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por Thiago Garcia Tamosauskas publicado 20/04/2017 14h25, última modificação 15/08/2017 10h51



Campus Taquaral - Piracicaba


The Business Administration Doctoral Program offers an effective contribution to the formation of researchers and teachers for the teaching of  Business Administration, not only ruled on instrumental rationality, but for capabilities which involves reason, emotion, sensibility, sense of justice, ethics, solidarity and sustainability.

Sciences of the Human Movement:

The Sciences of the Human Movement Doctoral Program, through interdisciplinarity, is potentially able to contribute to improving the quality of life, promotion of healthy habits and full participation in society. 


From the  academic / pedagogical point of view, since 1997 the program  organization and its activities of  teaching, researching/ extension and orientation, at both the master and the doctorate, are concentrated in two main fields :  Educational and Pedagogical Processes theories and Politics and History of Education.

It has a grade 5 out of 7..., classified by the Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination (CAPES). 

Campus Santa Barbara D'Oeste

Production Engineering:

The objectives of the Doctoral Program in Production Engineering has the following objectives:

Train human resources with expertise in scientific and technological research (R & D);

Promote the integration of the University with companies in the region;,

Contribute to the growth of the technological level of the productive sector;

Advising business entities, unions, government and other organizations about the process of technological modernization.