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por Thiago Garcia Tamosauskas publicado 20/04/2017 14h25, última modificação 20/04/2017 14h25

The origin of Unimep is linked to the Piracicabano School, founded in 1881 by  the American missionary Martha Watts. The quality, the pioneering and the differential in the education gave rise in 1964 to the first higher education programs: economics, business administration and accounting, initially organized as Integrated College. This expansion resulted in the recognition of Unimep, by the Brazilian Ministry of Education, as the first the Methodist University in Latin America in 1975.

Currently, Unimep offers more than 40 undergraduate programs (bachelors, licentiates and technologists) in addition to graduate programs (specialization, master and doctorate) organized into seven faculties. The institution, which began its activities with just one student, currently has approximately 13,000 students at its four campuses: Taquaral and Centro, both located in Piracicaba, Santa Barbara d'Oeste and Lins.

Unimep has its roots  reached also  in its tradition. It was born of the seed planted by the Methodist movement precursor, John Wesley (1703-1791), who founded in 1748 in England, the first Methodist school: Kingswood School. Since then, schools, colleges and universities have multiplied worldwide. With the creation of the Methodist Education Network, which Unimep is connected, our institution integrates a universe of more than 700 Methodist institutions in 67 countries.


To contribute effectively, as a Methodist institution, through education, to the production and socialization of knowledge, respecting the cultural and religious diversity of the human being and the environment, aiming the development of a fair and fraternal society, participating in the construction of citizenship as a collective heritage, with reference of the Christian faith values ​​and ethical perspective as public, institutional and personal responsibility.


By envision a fair and fraternal society, improving the areas of institutional activity and in its processes, typically in the promotion of education,  the action with quality, keeping updated with the scientific, technological and professional innovation, in a broad dialogue with the whole society aiming to respond, with alternatives, to the legitimate human and social needs, contributing to the development of the collectivity, such as inclusion, justice and equity, from the Evangelical Christian perspective.



  •  Commitment to the dignity of life and human rights
  •  Social responsibility with inclusion
  •  Sustainable development and environmental preservation
  •  Physical, mental and spiritual well-being


  • Comprehensive training, combining technical-administrative skills with innovative, critical-participatory capacity and the exercise of citizenship
  • Indivisibility of teaching, research and extension
  • Cultural, scientific and technological development